RED JACKET was inspired by the “Friendship Dolls,” also known as the “Japanese Ambassador Dolls.” In 1927, political tensions arose between the U.S. and Japan after the passage of a...
RED JACKET was inspired by the “Friendship Dolls,” also known as the “Japanese Ambassador Dolls.” In 1927, political tensions arose between the U.S. and Japan after the passage of a law prohibiting East Asians from emigrating to the United Sates. In response, the American Committee of World Friendship delivered 12,000 manufactured dolls to Japan.
In exchange, the best dollmakers in Japan were commissioned to produce 58 Friendship Dolls. These handmade dolls were dressed in beautiful, silk kimonos, each with its own unique accessories. These exquisite Friendship Dolls, representing distinct regions of Japan, were sent to libraries and museums throughout the United States to promote good will between the two countries.