SHOGUN depicts the renowned military leader Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542–1616), a figure central to Japan’s history. The inspiration for this piece came to the artist, Vivian Wang, while reading a Japanese...
SHOGUN depicts the renowned military leader Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542–1616), a figure central to Japan’s history. The inspiration for this piece came to the artist, Vivian Wang, while reading a Japanese history book. She discovered an intriguing photograph of an antique sculpture. Though the photo lacked a date or artist credit, Wang identified it as having a decidedly modern feel. Struck by the image, she was moved to create her own interpretation: a young Ieyasu, dressed in court attire, brimming with the self-assurance of a future shogun. Through SHOGUN, Wang encapsulates the youthful confidence and promise of Tokugawa Ieyasu, a figure destined to shape Japan’s future.